RTF2 Printing



I have downloaded and installed the RTF2 control and it works great. I really hate posting here and bothering everyone, but I need some help
I posted a couple of days ago about needing to figure out how to print 9 different RTF control boxes on my report. Stephen replied to my post about making a change to the canGrow(n) parameter
I have spent 2 days trying to get this to work and can't seem to do it. I see the code where it talks about height and the control object. I am not sure what to do at this point. I need help getting one fixed and I can take it from there.
Any help you can give would help me finalize this project.

Stephen Lebans

Post the code you currently are working with and I'll have a look at it
for you.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.

Todd said:
I have downloaded and installed the RTF2 control and it works great.
I really hate posting here and bothering everyone, but I need some help.
I posted a couple of days ago about needing to figure out how to print
9 different RTF control boxes on my report. Stephen replied to my post
about making a change to the canGrow(n) parameter?
I have spent 2 days trying to get this to work and can't seem to do
it. I see the code where it talks about height and the control object.
I am not sure what to do at this point. I need help getting one fixed
and I can take it from there.


I have a dumb question (Like the others have been inteligent).
In the datasource for this field, could I not just combine all the memo fields into the one field? WOuld that work?

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