Rule for Calender Entries



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

Are they ways to apply rules to Calender entries? This is a capability within Outlook that I have used to advantage, like having all events with the word "Call" in the name be assigned to a particular category, and thus a particular color. This makes viewing the calendar much easier.

If it is not a feature in Entourage, I sure hope it becomes one in the future.

Michel Bintener

There is no such feature in Entourage. You could always create a Saved
Search to get a list of events that meet your criteria, and then assign a
category to all these events. Of course, this is not an automatic rule-based
action, but requires you to assign the categories manually.

If you want this feature to become part of Entourage, send your feedback to
Microsoft; in Entourage, click on Help>Send Feedback about Entourage.

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