Rule for outwards (posts to newsgroups)


Clive Huggan

Dear all,

Having moved to Entourage 2004 a couple of weeks ago from Eudora, during the
past few days I have been setting up rules for inwards and outwards mail,
which has revolutionized the way I handle e-mail traffic.

I wanted to do the same thing for outwards news traffic -- e.g. posts to
this and other Mac MVP newsgroups. The rule I wanted was essentially to put
all posts in a newsgroup folder in Entourage, as in this example for the Mac
Word newsgroup:

Rule name: Mac Word newsgroup out

Execute if any criteria are met

If any To recipient is

Then move message Word posts <-- this is title of folder.

Problem is, this is not sending my posts to the "Word posts" folder; they
stay in "Sent items".

I realize there is a Newsgroups rule tab, but the options there don't
provide what I need to do.

Help greatly appreciated, as before!

OS 10.3.5.


Clive Huggan
Canberra, Australia
(My time zone is at least 5 hours different from the US and Europe, so my
follow-on responses to those regions can be delayed)

Rudy Kohut


Try creating the rule under the "Outgoing" tab - allows you to move a copy
from the "outgoing" folder to any other folder. Just specify the "To
recipient" as the newsgroup. This should work - see "Create a rule" in
Entourage Help.

Clive Huggan

Thanks for getting back, Rudy.

I now realize I did not explicitly say I had actually made this rule as an
Outgoing rule. I did the same as you suggest. Of course I could be missing



Rudy Kohut


I have set up a similar rule and will test it by sending this reply out.
Will it work for me? Stay tuned.


Rudy Kohut


Further ...

I now realize that there is no "To:" in the header of a message sent to a
newsgroup! Hence the rule will not work. The best alternative I can think of
is to put a key word eg. "newsgroup" in every message and have the rule
check the body of the message for that word. Maybe put it in your signature?


Paul Berkowitz

Better would be to get my script Sent News Messages X. it lets you specify
either a single folder, or separate sent folders for individual newsgroups,
or a combination of both (separate folders for some newsgroups, with a
"catch-all" folder for other newsgroups). There's a bug with one of those
preferences (discovered by our fellow MVP Daiya Mitchell only a week or so
ago). I've fixed it but haven't posted it yet. I should be posting v1.0.1
later today or tomorrow at <>

So wait until then. It will work more reliably than the workaround below.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions

Clive Huggan

Great idea, Rudy! I wouldn't have thought of that in 1,000 daylight-saving
Sundays! I'll do that.

I wonder whether Messrs Berkowitz, Basil et al have something (like Walt's
Return Receipt work-around that I installed the other day) -- I'd have
thought what I'm wanting to do would be a fairly frequent occurrence.

Thank you for taking the trouble to check it out further. I'll now ponder
something unique to put in my signature.




Clive Huggan

Thank you, Paul -- I'll do that.

When I looked at the alternatives under "News" rules, the only way I could
achieve my aim via the "News" rule was to e-mail off all my posts to one of
my other e-mail addresses and create a rule at that address, or to create a
unique Category and move it on that basis as a 2nd step. Not very useful,




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