Rule for sent emails


Mats Samson

I have configured Rules to move incoming mails from specific persons to a
specific message subfolder and it’s done automatically.
But it’s not possible to have SENT emails AUTOMATICALLY moved to subfolders.
I can get a copy automatically but not move it without running the rule
Is it possible to write a VBA function taking care of this? Or are there
add-ins extending the rules options? I’m familiar with Excel programming but
not at all with Outlook.

Brian Tillman

Mats Samson said:
I have configured Rules to move incoming mails from specific persons
to a specific message subfolder and it’s done automatically.
But it’s not possible to have SENT emails AUTOMATICALLY moved to

Sure it is. First, though, tell us your Outlook version.

Brian Tillman

Mats Samson said:
I have configured Rules to move incoming mails from specific persons
to a specific message subfolder and it’s done automatically.
But it’s not possible to have SENT emails AUTOMATICALLY moved to
subfolders. I can get a copy automatically but not move it without
running the rule manually.
Is it possible to write a VBA function taking care of this? Or are
there add-ins extending the rules options? I’m familiar with Excel
programming but not at all with Outlook.

Tools>Rules and Alerts>New Rule>Start from a blank rule>Check messages after

Mats Samson

OK Brian,
but that would only move a copy to the specific folder or I have to run the
rule manually. But I found the solution anyway, your own recommendation to
turn off Save copy in sent items and create rules for those you want moved
and a "catch the rest" rule for those that don't apply to other rules and
have them copied to Sent items. Outlook needs an overhaul!
Thanks anyway.

Brian Tillman

Mats Samson said:
but that would only move a copy to the specific folder or I have to
run the rule manually. But I found the solution anyway, your own
recommendation to turn off Save copy in sent items and create rules
for those you want moved and a "catch the rest" rule for those that
don't apply to other rules and have them copied to Sent items.
Outlook needs an overhaul!

That's how Outlook has always done what you wish to accomplish. I doubt if
MS will change it.

Investigate, as well, the "In folders other than the Inbox, save replies
with original messages" option. This may save you from having to create so
many rules.

Mats Samson

Thanks Brian,
but I don't understand the meaning of the option.
" replies with original message" is NOT ticked but when I reply
to a message I always have the original message included.
Otherwise it would quite laborious to follow a thread.

Brian Tillman

Mats Samson said:
Thanks Brian,
but I don't understand the meaning of the option.
" replies with original message" is NOT ticked but when I reply
to a message I always have the original message included.
Otherwise it would quite laborious to follow a thread.

What that option does is to place outgoing replies to messages in a
particular folder back in that folder instead of putting them in Sent Items.

Mats Samson

that explains it. Kind of clever option but why isn't there any info about it!
I cannot say that the option text is particularly intuitive!
Thanks and have a nice weekend!

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