Rule to delete specific type of spam.



I receive spam (about 2 per week) where there is nothing in the subject field
and nothing in the message field. The spammer sends only an attachment. I'm
looking to create a rule that will delete this type of spam without deleting
regular email with attachments.


I want your advice provided it does what I asked. Your advice of "a few days
ago" would have resulted in the deletion of wanted email (email with
something in the message field) as well as the unwanted emails. Please do
not answer my question unless you intend to be helpful, courteous and willing
to take criticism

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

You reap what you sow when it comes to courtesy. People like you who
have absolutely zero respect or appreciation or courtesy towards the
people who try to help you have no right to demand courtesy. Nobody
here gets paid to answer your questions or to take your unwarranted
criticisms. Twice now you have been given the best possible answer to
your question. Unfortunately this is a case of us trying to lead a
jackass to water and make it drink.


What a truly remarkable person you are. The mere fact that you respond to a
question makes you above criticism? Your first answer was, by no means, the
"best possible answer". If, instead of being thin skinned about my
criticism, you read my response, you might learn something. Yes, it is true
that you gave me the response gratis. But once you gave the erroneous
response, it seemed nobody else was willing to tackle the question so I
rewrote it. And look! I finally got a response that worked!

Please note: discourtesies abound AFTER your snide response to my second
request. My requests did NOT contain any discourtesies. No... the first
attack was by you when you said I was wasting your time. Looking at the
transactions as a whole, it is you who is wasting both our times. I repeat,
if you can't handle criticism, maybe you should not be in the business of
helping people.

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Ummm, I wasn't the person who replied to your original post, but I gave
you the same advice today that the first person gave you, so the only
thing erroneous is your attitude. I guess it's true, no good deed goes
unpunished. Have a nice life, troll. Plonk.


Not only are your rude and pompous, but you also don't know how to read.
Keep wasting your time and my time. It seems that is about the only thing
you are good at.

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