Mrs Howl
I have Outlook 2000 Corporate or Workgroup.
I use Microsoft Exchange to access my coworker emaill addresses, and
contacts for my personal email addresses.
I have rules that separate my incoming email to different folders,
depending on which email address it was sent to. This usually work,
but sometimes the rule doesn't process. I think it may be because the
To field doesn't always contain my email address.... it may contain my
alias instead.
Should I be changing the rules to look for the email address OR the
alias in the To: field? If so, how to you create a compounding
condition like this? When I modify the rule, I get to a screen that
says 'Which conditions do you want to check?'. "With specific words
in the recipient's address" is already checked. If I then click on
the search string in the lower window, I get a box that says "Search
Text", where the search string is specified below. How do I get two
strings in there with and OR condition to be applied to the two
I use Microsoft Exchange to access my coworker emaill addresses, and
contacts for my personal email addresses.
I have rules that separate my incoming email to different folders,
depending on which email address it was sent to. This usually work,
but sometimes the rule doesn't process. I think it may be because the
To field doesn't always contain my email address.... it may contain my
alias instead.
Should I be changing the rules to look for the email address OR the
alias in the To: field? If so, how to you create a compounding
condition like this? When I modify the rule, I get to a screen that
says 'Which conditions do you want to check?'. "With specific words
in the recipient's address" is already checked. If I then click on
the search string in the lower window, I get a box that says "Search
Text", where the search string is specified below. How do I get two
strings in there with and OR condition to be applied to the two