I need a rule that will find two specific words in the body of the text and
will only find emails that contain both words. This can be done in Outlook
Express but Outlook 2003 (when adding another specific word) enters "OR"
between the two and I can't see a way to change this to "AND". e.g. If I want
all emails containing the words cat and dog to go to the Pet-General folder
but those containing only cat to go to the Cat folder and those containing
only dog to the Dog folder, how can this be done? Any ideas??
will only find emails that contain both words. This can be done in Outlook
Express but Outlook 2003 (when adding another specific word) enters "OR"
between the two and I can't see a way to change this to "AND". e.g. If I want
all emails containing the words cat and dog to go to the Pet-General folder
but those containing only cat to go to the Cat folder and those containing
only dog to the Dog folder, how can this be done? Any ideas??