Rules don't work and ZIP greyed out

  • Thread starter Hans-Edmund Glomme
  • Start date

Hans-Edmund Glomme


I have two questions maybe someone have a idea.
My rules don't work always. The mailing list rules always work. But when I
add some personal rules some of them work and other not also if I make them
all with the same procedure. Does someone have any idea what can be
happened? (Entourage 2004)

The other problem I have is that I have here installed Stuffit 12 deluxe and
I also can use it fine. In the settings I also told Entourage to use it for

When I make a new mail and look into the attachment advanced section, there
is only standing at compression : None and I can't tick it on because it's
greyed out.

Thnx for helping me and sorry for my maybe badly english.


Diane Ross

I have two questions maybe someone have a idea.
My rules don't work always. The mailing list rules always work. But when I
add some personal rules some of them work and other not also if I make them
all with the same procedure. Does someone have any idea what can be
happened? (Entourage 2004)

Rules run in a top-down order. Mailing List Manager rules run first, then
the Junk Mail Filter and last is your custom rules. The custom rules also
run in the order they are listed. (top runs first).

Most likely another rule is running on your message causing your rule not to
run. You could try moving the rule to the top of your rule list and see if
that helps, but if a Mailing List Manager rule is acting on the message
first then this will not help. In the Mailing List Manager under the
Advanced tab you can check to allow rules to run on the messages.

1) POP Rules act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in the Inbox (On My
Computer), NOT when it arrives in any other folder. Once it's moved to
another folder it won't be seen by rules.

2) IMAP Rules are meant to act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in
the IMAP INBOX, not when moved to another IMAP folder.

3) Exchange Rules act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in the
Exchange Inbox.

See "Using Rules with Entourage" for help and examples:

The other problem I have is that I have here installed Stuffit 12 deluxe and
I also can use it fine. In the settings I also told Entourage to use it for

When I make a new mail and look into the attachment advanced section, there
is only standing at compression : None and I can't tick it on because it's
greyed out.

The stuffit engine is probably not installed in the location that Entourage
is looking. Off hand I don't remember where the file is stored, but seems it
was in the root Library folder. Since I have Stuffit Deluxe installed I
can't check for sure where Entourage installs the file. Check Library -->
Frameworks --> StuffIt.framework.

You can work around this until we find what file is needed. Manually zip or
stuff the files before adding to Entourage. RTF (rick text format) files
that contain pictures will need to be zipped too.

Hans-Edmund Glomme

Hello Diane,

At/Am 03.12.2007 8:18 Uhr wrote/schrieb "Diane Ross" under/unter
<[email protected]> into/in
C378EDBF.8D55%[email protected]:

Rules run in a top-down order. Mailing List Manager rules run first, then
the Junk Mail Filter and last is your custom rules. The custom rules also
run in the order they are listed. (top runs first).

The Junk mail filter is off at me because that was the instruction what came
with SpamSieve.
I normal separate Mailing List rules (only for Mailing lists) and rules for
Mail from private contacts.
I made today a test an say: Run all rules
But nothing happens. When I pick then the special rule it works and he sort
all mails what was unsorted before into the folder I specified.

Most likely another rule is running on your message causing your rule not to
run. You could try moving the rule to the top of your rule list and see if
that helps, but if a Mailing List Manager rule is acting on the message
first then this will not help. In the Mailing List Manager under the
Advanced tab you can check to allow rules to run on the messages.
Ok that I can check. I don't have mailing rules that have any conflict with
the (like I call them) normal rules.
Is it possible to activate a log for the rules?
1) POP Rules act on a message ONLY when it first arrives in the Inbox (On My
Computer), NOT when it arrives in any other folder. Once it's moved to
another folder it won't be seen by rules.

Must I delete the rules after I move a folder and create it new?
I don't have IMAP active now and also not Exchange access.
See "Using Rules with Entourage" for help and examples:


Thank you for the link I will read it.
The stuffit engine is probably not installed in the location that Entourage
is looking. Off hand I don't remember where the file is stored, but seems it
was in the root Library folder. Since I have Stuffit Deluxe installed I
can't check for sure where Entourage installs the file. Check Library -->
Frameworks --> StuffIt.framework.
I found the stuffit.framework. Exactly where you describe it. How can I
check if the Engine properly is installed?
You can work around this until we find what file is needed. Manually zip or
stuff the files before adding to Entourage. RTF (rick text format) files
that contain pictures will need to be zipped too.

That's the workaround like I do it now. Because no other way. Only asked
because for me that function will be very usefull to compress and send mails
with one step.

Thank you very much for your help and the long reply.


For what it's worth, some time ago my "move to folder" rules stopped
working. I place the command in the correct spot -- at the bottom, and all
the other rules affecting that mail work. The messages simply don't move
into the appropriate folder when it's all done.

I've tinkered with Entourage rules for a long, long time and read a lot
about them and have come to the conclusion that I'm doing nothing wrong.
It's simply inexplicable, and so I chalk it up to an imperfection in
Entourage, or a problem with the interface between Entourage and my
operating system and/or other programs.

Hans-Edmund Glomme

At/Am 03.12.2007 20:57 Uhr wrote/schrieb "Goshamighty" under/unter
For what it's worth, some time ago my "move to folder" rules stopped
working. I place the command in the correct spot -- at the bottom, and all
the other rules affecting that mail work. The messages simply don't move
into the appropriate folder when it's all done.

I've tinkered with Entourage rules for a long, long time and read a lot
about them and have come to the conclusion that I'm doing nothing wrong.
It's simply inexplicable, and so I chalk it up to an imperfection in
Entourage, or a problem with the interface between Entourage and my
operating system and/or other programs.


yes here it seems to be the same. Sometimes I think that nobody understands
what M$ do. The only fact is (else I would change) that now entourage is the
only mail program that fill all my needs I have to a MTA. Else I would
change a longer time ago. Was searching over all now available MTA's but no
one can do it as good as entourage.
Before I switch to MAC I was using TheBat and I really miss it.

But thank you at all for the help. Sometimes it's not easy to find the
reason why something isn't working.

The only thing now I've to figure out is why I can't compress attachments,
by using Stuffit. When I compress attachments before no problem, also to
say, compress and mail the only thing what don't work for me now is the
integrated ZIP function in entourage.

Diane Ross

The Junk mail filter is off at me because that was the instruction what came
with SpamSieve.
I normal separate Mailing List rules (only for Mailing lists) and rules for
Mail from private contacts.
I made today a test an say: Run all rules
But nothing happens. When I pick then the special rule it works and he sort
all mails what was unsorted before into the folder I specified.
If you drag the messages to the desktop and then back into Entourage the All
Rules should work. Once rules have been run on the message the "all rules"
will not work.
Is it possible to activate a log for the rules?

Sorry, no. Please send feedback to Microsoft under Help if you would like to
see this added in a future version
Must I delete the rules after I move a folder and create it new?
I don't have IMAP active now and also not Exchange access.

No, Entourage should auto update the folder. Do a test and verify this for
I found the stuffit.framework. Exactly where you describe it. How can I
check if the Engine properly is installed?

This is out of my realm of knowledge. I just know I had a similar problem
and doing a "Remove Office" and re-installing fixed it.

Hans-Edmund Glomme

If you drag the messages to the desktop and then back into Entourage the All
Rules should work. Once rules have been run on the message the "all rules"
will not work.

Was a good tip :) Thank you!
Sorry, no. Please send feedback to Microsoft under Help if you would like to
see this added in a future version

Think something like that :)
No, Entourage should auto update the folder. Do a test and verify this for

Think now maybe the best thing is to delete all rules and make it new :(

Thank you very much for your help.

Hans-Edmund Glomme

Hi at all,

now I found the solution for the problem. There was no broken rule, the
problem was that I make a mistake by creating a SpamSieve Rule. Means I
cross the point "don't access other rules" but it must be uncross and
created a second rule when the category is "Junk" then only move to Junk

That was also the reason why the other rules are not accessed.

Only want let it know the other people here so that they don't have also
problems like I have when they create new rules and they don't seems to

Diane Ross

Thanks for the feedback.


Hi at all,

now I found the solution for the problem. There was no broken rule, the
problem was that I make a mistake by creating a SpamSieve Rule. Means I
cross the point "don't access other rules" but it must be uncross and
created a second rule when the category is "Junk" then only move to Junk

That was also the reason why the other rules are not accessed.

Only want let it know the other people here so that they don't have also
problems like I have when they create new rules and they don't seems to

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