Rules re. multiple aliases for one address



Is it possible to create a rule that will forward emails received to an inbox
if they are sent to an alias address? e.g. mails that are sent to
(e-mail address removed) actually go to (e-mail address removed) - I would like to
create a rule to forward all mails sent to (e-mail address removed) to another
email account but not mails sent to (e-mail address removed).


JenniferL said:
Is it possible to create a rule that will forward emails received to an inbox
if they are sent to an alias address? e.g. mails that are sent to
(e-mail address removed) actually go to (e-mail address removed) - I would like to
create a rule to forward all mails sent to (e-mail address removed) to another
email account but not mails sent to (e-mail address removed).
Try asking on a group for Outlook

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