I don't know the best place to post this, so forgive me.
How do I configure my outlook 2003 to send an alert to my cell email account
when a when I recieve an email from a particular sender.
I've asked my exchange admin and he simply replies..
"Just add it to your personal contacts. It will be able to setup the rule to
alert you."
Add what???. My cell email address....thats part of my profile isnt' it. I
can't modify my profile to include it can I? Isn't that in the control of the
I'm asking here because I need a timly response.
How do I configure my outlook 2003 to send an alert to my cell email account
when a when I recieve an email from a particular sender.
I've asked my exchange admin and he simply replies..
"Just add it to your personal contacts. It will be able to setup the rule to
alert you."
Add what???. My cell email address....thats part of my profile isnt' it. I
can't modify my profile to include it can I? Isn't that in the control of the
I'm asking here because I need a timly response.