

Daniel McG

I have put into place two rules. Both of them to automaically approve
updates and task reassignments. I have the rules to run automatically but
they never run by themselves. I always have to go back into my tasks and
rules, and I click on both or one of the rules, then run rules and it will
then flow to the project to be updated. With this rule in place, I should
not have to do that process. I am an administrator so I have no limitations
and I am the one who builds and publishes the projects. Can anyone help me
with this?

Dale Howard [MVP]

Daniel --

To the best of my knowledge, Rules only run in "semi-automatic" mode. This
means that the PM must actually click the Run Rules button to actually get
one or all of the rules to run. Some people claim that Rules actually run
automatically, but I have never seen this with my own eyes. Your experience
is mine, therefore. Hope this helps.

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