run a macro on an in-active workbook



Is there any way to get a macro to execute on a workbook
which is open, but not active?

I have a macro in a certain workbook (call it "A")which
repeats automatically but if I I open another workbook,
say "B", then the macro produces an error because it
doesn't find the data it needs in the active worksheet if
I'm working in "B".

I've added the following code to the start of my macro

Workbooks("hilowwork book.xls").Activate

and the macro runs fine but it causes the sheet to become
active and it interrupts the work I may be doing in
workbook "B".

Is there some way I can feed the macro the information of
the workbook name and sheet name that it is to operate on
so that it does this in the background and still allows
me to continue working in workbook "B" without

John Green

You can refer to cells in non-active workbooks by fully qualifying the references. Something like:

x = Workbooks("A.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value

If you need to make lots of references to the same object, use the following:

With Workbooks("A.xls").Worksheets("Sheet1")
x = .Range("A1").Value
.Range("A2").Value = x

End With



I've tried what you suggest and it produces an error
right off ... here's what I'm doing (below) What is

Sub upDateHis1()

booknm = Workbooks("hilowwork book.xls").Worksheets
lwrLimit = Range("lwr").Row + 1
uprLimit = Range("eend").Row - 1
lgOpnHi = Range("OpnHi").Column
lgStokNow = Range("StokNow").Column
lgStokhi = lgStokNow + 1

For rwIndex = lwrLimit To uprLimit

'This sets High Value of Option
With Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells(rwIndex,
If .Value _
< Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells(rwIndex,
lgOpnHi - 1).Value _
Then .Value = Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells
(rwIndex, lgOpnHi - 1).Value
If .Value * 0.75 _
lgOpnHi - 1).Value _
Then Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells
(rwIndex, 4).Value _
= "SELL"
End With
'This sets high value of Stock
If Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells(rwIndex,
lgStokNow).Value _
lgStokhi).Value _
lgStokhi).Value _
= Worksheets("UpdateInfo").Cells(rwIndex,

lgStokhi + 1).Value _
= Now
End If

Next rwIndex


End Sub

-----Original Message-----
You can refer to cells in non-active workbooks by fully
qualifying the references. Something like:

John Green

Your code will not work if the workbook is not active as you are not including a reference to the workbook.

Also, if you are trying to create an object variable referring to the worksheet, use Set

Set booknm = Workbooks("hilowwork book.xls").Worksheets("UpdateInfo")

For rwIndex = lwrLimit To uprLimit

'This sets High Value of Option
With booknm.Cells(rwIndex, lgOpnHi)
If .Value _
< booknm.Cells(rwIndex, lgOpnHi - 1).Value _
Then .Value = booknm.Cells(rwIndex, lgOpnHi - 1).Value


Thanks John,

Your comment about creating an object referring the the
worksheet worked like a charm.

I had tried that before, but without using "SET" and it
wouldn't work and I had forgotten about the difference.

Anyhow, this has also solved the problem I had with the
stopping of a running macro, because now I can let it go
on in the background and don't need to pause it.

The other answer will be tucked awa for future still may come in useful.

-----Original Message-----
Your code will not work if the workbook is not active as
you are not including a reference to the workbook.
Also, if you are trying to create an object variable
referring to the worksheet, use Set

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