No tsure if I'm interpreting yuo last posting correctly. which statment is
failing. You said the line after the execute statement. do you mean the
Apllication statement or the CopyFromRecordset statement.
I would also like to know if you got any data returned from the execute
statement. If the line executed you should see data. then I would think
this line is the error line Sheet1.Range("E4").CopyFromRecordset rsDW Do you
have a sheet1. Look in Your VBA Project Explorer. Sheet1 should be the
first name for the sheet not the name in the parenthsis. You may not have
the correct name of the sheet.
You also want to find out if you have a rsDW variable defined. From the
worksheet menu File - Properties - Custom and see if there is a rsDW defined.
Also, I think you need to replace a blank in the code with a semicolon.
Your problem may still the original one wher you have three commands in a
single string. Your code had a semicolon between the 2nd command and the
third command. There was no sperator between the 1st command and the 2nd
I also did two other things.
1) added some line continuation characters becasue the long lines on this
website become multiple lines that creat errors.
2) I added the ADO library to my references in VBA by going to the VBA menu
Tools - References and then checking the Active Data Objects 2.8 library.
Use the highest number library that is in your computrer.
Option Explicit
Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmdSP As ADODB.Command
Dim strDWFilePath As String
Dim stProcName As String
Sub GetData()
strDWFilePath = "Driver={SQL Native Client};" & _
"Server=CISSQL1;" & _
"Database=CORPINFO;" & _
Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
cnnDW.Open strDWFilePath
Set cmdSP = New ADODB.Command
Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
stProcName = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100);" & _
"SET @wlvals = " & _
"char(34) + 'T2DEA' + char(34) + ',' + " & _
"char(34) + 'T2DEP' + char(34);" & _
"EXEC sp_WLName_Report"
'September', '2008', '18-09-2008', @wlvals"
'Define name of Stored Procedure to execute."
cmdSP.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 'Define the ADODB command
cmdSP.ActiveConnection = cnnDW 'Set the command connection string
cmdSP.CommandText = stProcName 'Define Stored Procedure to run
rsDW.Open cmdSP.Execute(stProcName)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet1.Range("E4").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
Set rsDW = Nothing
MsgBox "Import Complete", vbInformation, "SQL Connection"
Set cnnDW = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
Jez said:
I tried using the AND to connect the parameters... that again didnt work,
brought same error message.
I tried what you had done in your code and still same error message...
I alos tried copying what the record macro was doing. It wouldnt let me run
a stored procedure through the MS Query, but I brough back a table and tried
to use the code. This used a cmdSP.CommandText = Array("stProcName")
Again a problem...
I have been reading things on the net about this and found that if I changed
the code to this below it should work
Option Explicit
Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
Dim cmdSP As ADODB.Command
Dim strDWFilePath As String
Dim stProcName As String
Sub GetData()
strDWFilePath = "Driver={SQL Native
Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
cnnDW.Open strDWFilePath
Set cmdSP = New ADODB.Command
Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
stProcName = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100) " & _
"SET @wlvals = char(34)
+ 'T2DEA' + char(34) + ',' + char(34) + 'T2DEP' + char(34);" & _
"EXEC sp_WLName_Report
'September', '2008', '18-09-2008', @wlvals" 'Define name of Stored Procedure
to execute."
cmdSP.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc 'Define the ADODB command
cmdSP.ActiveConnection = cnnDW 'Set the command connection string
cmdSP.CommandText = stProcName 'Define Stored Procedure to run
rsDW.Open cmdSP.Execute(stProcName)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheet1.Range("E4").CopyFromRecordset rsDW
Set rsDW = Nothing
MsgBox "Import Complete", vbInformation, "SQL Connection"
Set cnnDW = Nothing
Exit Sub
End Sub
It now has moved my errror message from the Exec Statement to the line
below, but I am still baffled as to why it doesnt work...
rsDW.Open cmdSP.Execute(stProcName)
My Error message...
[Microsoft][SQL Native Client] Syntax Error, Permission Violation or Other
NonSpecific Error
Where am I going wrong?
As I said in my last posting use AND to connect parameters.
I was doing a macro for Outlook which also uses SQL for doing searches in
the Inbox. Here is what I had to do
strF = "urn:schemas:httpmail:" & _
"subject LIKE '%Lock%' AND" & _
Here is another trick I use. In Excel worksheet turn on Macro Recorder:
Tool - Macro - Record New Macro. Then do from worksheet menu: Data - Import
External Data - New Database Query. Setup you SQL query in the Excel Wizard.
When you are done stop record macro Tools - Macro - Stop Recording. Then
look at the query that was recorded to see if you can figure out the correct
I tried it using this one line
sQRY = "EXEC jez.sp_WLName_Report 'September', '2008', '17-09-2008', 'PGA'"
I altered the Stored Procedure to pick up this one parameter.
This works great...
My only problem is that I have more than 1 parmater in most cases, thats why
I have changed the Exec Statement to represnt the changes in parmaters.
The SQL seperator may be a colon instead of a semicolon. From the SQL
command line try putting two instructions on the same line seperated by a
colon and see what happens. get a single line multiple command working from
your SQL server before trying it in code. another possible solution is to
combine the commands on One Line using an And.
I have tried all 3 solutions and they still dont connect the results.
I changed all the Char(39) to Char(13) and found that I got an error message
telling me to look at the part of my statement which was like this
+ ',' +
As this didnt seem to be liked.
The other 2 solutions brought back the same error message,
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. 3704
I am totally baffled, by this...
I think you are missing the carriage returns. The SQL server expects each
command to start on a new line or seperated by a terminator like a semicolon.
Your combined string don't provide a method for the server to know when one
command ends and the next commands starts.
I don't know SQL very well by try one of three solutions.
chr(13) is a cariage return and chr(39) is a single quote.
semicolons added
sQRY = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100); " & _
"SET @wlvals = char(39) + 'T2DEA' + char(39) + ',' +
char(39) + 'T2DEP' + char(39); " & _
"EXEC sp_WLName_Report 'September', '2008', '18-09-2008',
Carriage returns added
sQRY = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100)" & chr(13) & _
"SET @wlvals = char(39) + 'T2DEA' + char(39) + ',' +
char(39) + 'T2DEP' + char(39)" & chr(13) & _
"EXEC sp_WLName_Report 'September', '2008', '18-09-2008',
The problem area is around this section here
sQRY = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100) " & _
"SET @wlvals = char(39) + 'T2DEA' + char(39) + ',' +
char(39) + 'T2DEP' + char(39) " & _
"EXEC sp_WLName_Report 'September', '2008', '18-09-2008',
When I run this in SQL Server it works perfect.
DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100)
SET @wlvals = char(39) + 'T2DEA' + char(39) + ',' + char(39) + 'T2DEP' +
EXEC sp_WLName_Report 'September', '2008', '18-09-2008', @wlvals
Do I need to do something different with my code in Excel to run this
Execute Statement?
It meansd the OBJECT was closed for some other reason. Either the server
closed the connection because there was some security problem (an illegal
command could of done this) or when you closed rsDW. I would move the close
statement just after the open to check that it works. then I would keep
moving the line down in the code until you get the error message again. This
way you can find out where the problem is.
I have this code below to Execute a Command in Stored Procedure in SQL
Server. My problem is that I keep having an error message saying
Error: Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. 3704
I have no idea what that means,
Option Explicit
Dim cnnDW As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsDW As ADODB.Recordset
'Dim cnnSP As ADODB.Command
Dim sQRY As String
Dim strDWFilePath As String
Sub GetData()
On Error GoTo Err:
strDWFilePath = "Driver={SQL Native
Set cnnDW = New ADODB.Connection
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
cnnDW.Open strDWFilePath
Set rsDW = New ADODB.Recordset
sQRY = "DECLARE @wlvals varchar(100) " & _