run a VBA macro from command line



hi all,
I am devlopping a program java which has to call a VBA macro.
I guess there is a way to use Runtime.exec so I can call the macro from
a command line.
the problem is, I know how to call my VBA macro from command line.

Could someone helps me?

Thnak you


couldn't you instead of using the macro call a VBScript routine that does
the same stuff that the macro?


Rewrite it in either VB or VBS.

hi I am trying what you did tell me.
in fact the proplem is this:
I have some Excel file that I sent to people and i am oblige to keep
one atandard format. I therefore protect them to avoid any mess with my
standard format.
once they send me back the file I go though that using odbc link in a
java application but hit doesnt like the protection. So I decided to do
un VB code unprotect the file so I can call it using the .exe

I am not familiar with Vb i am a java developper.
Can you tell me why my VB doesn't work because of this like?

Dim isFileExist As Boolean
isFileExist = My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(sBookAProteger)

I got one error said object required

thanks in advance

Karl E. Peterson

francky said:
hi I am trying what you did tell me.
in fact the proplem is this:
I have some Excel file that I sent to people and i am oblige to keep
one atandard format. I therefore protect them to avoid any mess with
my standard format.
once they send me back the file I go though that using odbc link in a
java application but hit doesnt like the protection. So I decided to
do un VB code unprotect the file so I can call it using the .exe

I am not familiar with Vb i am a java developper.
Can you tell me why my VB doesn't work because of this like?

Dim isFileExist As Boolean
isFileExist = My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(sBookAProteger)

I got one error said object required

Uhhh... That wouldn't be VB, actually. Looks more like Visual Fred.


you rigth I mess up with .NET
I finally find a solution I make a .exe with VB which is able to
unprotect the file and then I call the .exe in java code by using the
runtime class.

here is the snippet to unprotect.

If Dir(sBookAProteger) <> "" Then
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlBook As Workbook
Dim i As Integer

Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(sBookAProteger)
For i = 1 To xlBook.Sheets.Count
If xlBook.Sheets(i).Name = sFeuilleAProteger Then



xlBook.Worksheets(sFeuilleAProteger).Protect (vPassword)

Exit For

ElseIf i = xlBook.Sheets.Count Then
MsgBox ("La feuille à protéger n'existe pas!" = vbCritical)
End If
Next i
xlBook.Close (True)

Set xlBook = Nothing

Set xlApp = Nothing

MsgBox ("Le fichier n'existe pas!" = vbCritical)
End If

thanks again for your time

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