Run and edit a Macro



I have a macro that I need to input data into Footers on worksheets, I am
having a problem to begin with saying script out of range, any help, I also
need this this macro to run automatic when the document is opened, is this at
all possible, please have a look at my code and revise if needed. I have a
beforesave eveny operating in this workbook so before save is not an option
unless I can call this macro before save like I do with protect sheets.

Many Many thanks


Sub PageSetUp()
Dim SH1 As Object
Dim SH2 As Object
With Me
Set SH1 = .Sheets("Sheet3")
Set SH2 = .Sheets("Sheet8")
End With
SH1.PageSetUp.RightFooter = Format(Now, "dd-mmm-yy")
SH2.PageSetUp.RightFooter = "Relief Shifts " & Format(Now,
End Sub

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