Run Query to group Data by Week Number

  • Thread starter BYoung via
  • Start date

BYoung via

I'm trying to build a query off of a table that basically sumarizes by week
number instead of date.

so in my query I have these fields
tech number - shows which tech completed the job
jobs - counts 1 for every job
tc_within_x - counts a 1 if there was a trouble call created on this job
within 12 days
TC Percentage - based on a public function that I built to calculate the TC %
from TC/Jobs

Here's how I have it set up right now
tech_number jobs tc_within_x
TCPercentage: Avg(getTCPercentage
tblVIRData tblVIRData tblVIRData
Group By Sum Sum

This returns a table like this:
Tech Number Jobs tc_within_x TC %
4567 91 1
4893 169 10

What this returns is the totals from all the data which spans several months.

This is all good at this point, but now I want to add in the schedule dates
and get the same output that I get now, but have the data grouped by week
When I have added schedule date after the tech number field I get a read out
like this:
tech number job date jobs
tc_within_x TC%
4567 7/1/06 2
0 0
4567 7/2/06 4
0 0
4567 7/3/06 3
0 0
4893 7/1/06 3
0 0
4893 7/2/06 4
1 25%
4893 7/3/06 2
1 50%

I would like this query to give me the totals for by week instead of by day.
So i would get this:

tech number week jobs tc_within_x
4567 25 12 0
4567 26 10 1
4567 27 14 0
4893 25 12 0
4893 26 10 1
4893 27 14 0

Hopefully this makes sense. Once i've figured out how to do this, i'm going
to add in a user inputed criteria to the tech number so we can enter the tech
number and see the totals by week for that tech.

Any Ideas?

Ken Sheridan

Group the query first by Year([SceduleDate]) and then by
DatePart("ww",[ScheduleDate]). The yearly grouping ensures that the same
weeks from separate years are grouped independently.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


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Try this:

SELECT [tech number], DatePart("ww",[job date]) As WeekOfYear, SUM(jobs)
As SumOfJobs , SUM(tc_within_x) As SumOfTroubCalls
FROM <table name>
WHERE <criteria>
GROUP BY [tech number], DatePart("ww",[job date]) As [Week]
MGFoster:::mgf00 <at> earthlink <decimal-point> net
Oakland, CA (USA)
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BYoung via

Thank you both, The SQL query worked great after a little tinkering. Taking
it a step further I wanted to use the same setup for a query to show months
not weeks. I tried to change the datepart portion to
DatePart("mmm", [job Date]) however when I do this it tells me "Invalid
Procedure Call". I'm not very versed in queries or SQL, what is going on
with that?
Try this:

SELECT [tech number], DatePart("ww",[job date]) As WeekOfYear, SUM(jobs)
As SumOfJobs , SUM(tc_within_x) As SumOfTroubCalls
FROM <table name>
WHERE said:
I'm trying to build a query off of a table that basically sumarizes by week
number instead of date.
[quoted text clipped - 65 lines]
to add in a user inputed criteria to the tech number so we can enter the tech
number and see the totals by week for that tech.


Months is just the letter M:

DatePart("m", [job date])

Oakland, CA (USA)
** Respond only to this newsgroup. I DO NOT respond to emails **
Thank you both, The SQL query worked great after a little tinkering. Taking
it a step further I wanted to use the same setup for a query to show months
not weeks. I tried to change the datepart portion to
DatePart("mmm", [job Date]) however when I do this it tells me "Invalid
Procedure Call". I'm not very versed in queries or SQL, what is going on
with that?
Try this:

SELECT [tech number], DatePart("ww",[job date]) As WeekOfYear, SUM(jobs)
As SumOfJobs , SUM(tc_within_x) As SumOfTroubCalls
FROM <table name>
WHERE said:
I'm trying to build a query off of a table that basically sumarizes by week
number instead of date.
[quoted text clipped - 65 lines]
to add in a user inputed criteria to the tech number so we can enter the tech
number and see the totals by week for that tech.

BYoung via

Ahh...well then I'll give that a shot. Thank You very much
Months is just the letter M:

DatePart("m", [job date])
Thank you both, The SQL query worked great after a little tinkering. Taking
it a step further I wanted to use the same setup for a query to show months
[quoted text clipped - 15 lines]

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