Run-time error '1004' unable to get the ChartObjectsproperty of the Chart class



I have a macro that has worked fine for the last 2 years in Excel 97 i
Window NT, until I upgraded to Excel 2002 and Window XP. It gets hun
up on the activate Chart 2 statement (Chart 2 still exists). All th
macro does is set the x axis scale to values I input:

Sub Scale_Charts_Axes()

Sheets("Daily CF Chart").Select
*ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate*
With ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory)
.MinimumScale = Range("cashflow_begin_date").Value - 2
.MaximumScale = Range("end_date").Value + 2
End With
End Sub

I think I have all the same add-ins, but I am not sure. Is there an
add-in or VB reference that could be causing this?
Thanks, ms


I noticed in someone else's code that a chart was referred to by just
number, so I may have found a work around:

For instance, I changed:
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 2").Activate



Notice how strangely enough, even though my embedded chart still say
"Chart 2" when I run my cursor over it, the macro knows it now by
(there are a total of 5 charts on my chart sheet).

I rewrote all of my other chart references to this format, and th
macros now work again.

If someone could explain why converting from using Excel 97 to Exce
2002 would cause this sort of problem, I'd appreciate it.


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