Run-time Error 2110



I'm really baffled on this one so I'm looking for a little help. I have an application I've been working on for what seems 3 years now. It's in Access 2000 format and I'm working on it in Access 2003. All of a sudden, I started getting this error. In one of my forms, after the user clicks save I do some data scrubbing. Now all of a sudden, I'm getting a Run-time Error 2110 whenever I try to set the focus on a different field. The weird thing is that it has never happened before and I have older versions of the DB, with the same code in this form, that work fine! I did some research and thought I had figured it out when I found an article that said the autoCorrect option causes 2110 errors. But I disables that option and I'm still getting it. I tried exporting all my objects to a new DB or to one of the other DB that works.....but then it stops working. It can't be the code, b/c the code is exactly the same in the ones that work and the one that doesn't. Any ideas, I'm really stumped on this one. Thanks.

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