run-time error 2115


Hank Megens


In a form I use a combo box to give people a self chosen number
So after giving out a number I don't want to see it anymore in my combobox
when I edit the next record.
So I created the next VBA statement:

Private Sub koppelkasnummer_Beforeupdate(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "query1"
DoCmd.Close , acQuery, "query1"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

but by giving out the first number I get the following error:

- Runtime error '2115'
The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for
this field is preventing Microsoft Access from saving the data in the field.

Query1 = updating my list, so my other query (on which the combolist is
based will be updated)

How to slove this?

Douglas J. Steele

You can't put code like that in the BeforeUpdate event of a control. Try
putting it in the AfterUpdate event.

Of course, you'd be better off using something like:

Private Sub koppelkasnummer_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

And actually, that's just going to requery the form. To requery the combo
box, you need the name of it there:


Hank Megens


this works almost.
If I go to the next record, the number I connected to the previous record is
still visible. this goes on and on.
How can I solve this?

Hank Megens

Douglas J. Steele

What's the SQL of the query you're trying to run? Is koppelkasnummer the
name of the combo box?

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