Run time Error 2176



I have recently converted an Access 2 application to
Access 2000. While testing the converted app I get the
above noted error with the explanation " The setting for
this property is too long" when I run a particular peice
of code. The code in the module is adding the names of the
queries in the db to a combo box on a form. The code in
the module is as follows:

For i = 0 to db.querydefs.count - 1
If Mid(db.queryDefs(1).Name, 1, 3) <> "^sql" then
s = """" & db.queryDefs(1).Name & """;"
s = s & """ & Format(db.querydefs
(1).datecreated, "mm/dd/yy?) & """;"
s = s & """" & db.QueryDefs(1).lastUpdated & """;"
Forms![usys_frm_QuickTrack)![pickQuery].rowsource =
Forms![usys_frm_QuickTrack)![pickQuery].RowSource & s

The code runs fine until I hit a particular
query "qry_Audit_Totals". I have checked the query out and
it runs fine when I open it on it's own????? I have tried
changing the name of the query to qryAuditTotals,
qryAuditTots, qryAuditT but the code hangs up on this
particular query. What am I missing here?



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