Run-time Error 3343




I am working on VC++, in which I am trying to invoke VB app.

My application has two phases one is entirely in VC++ and the other is
in VB6.0. In both the phases I am accessing the MS Access 97. In VC++
database is accessed throught the DSN and in VB through DAO. When I try
to invoke the VB app from VC++, i was posted with "System Resource
Exceeded" exception. But if I try to invoke the VB app after a few mins
of opening the VC app, their would be no issues. And this exception is
not continous, this would come up very randomly and would vary from
system to system.

Very recently I migrated the code from VS6.0 to VS.Net 2003. In the
course of migration I had to change the database access in VB from DAO
to ADO. But the VC++.Net to Database access is still DSN only. Now here
i am still getting the same exception "System Resource Exceeded". And a
google through the net suggested migrating MS Access 97 to MS Access
2000 would resolve the issue. But now after migrating from 97 to 2000.
I am getting some different error when I try to invoke the VB.Net app
Run-time error '3343':

Unrecognized database format 'C:\Calc\centri1\RES\rep1.mdb'.

I can see that the VC++.Net is executing fine (i.e accessing the
Database) till it invokes the VB.Net. Once it invokes the VB.Net i
would get error msg of "runtime error 3343.....". Now if i invoke the app individual it would work fine (accessing the database and
As per the MSDN error 3343 would be for DAO but here the accessing of
database in VB.Net app is through ADO. I still confused why is that i
am posted with this kinda error.

Any suggestion on these two ("System Resource Exceeded" and "Runtime
Error 3343") would be of great help.


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