grant thomas
I have recorded a macro in Word 2002 that selects paper
trays for first and subsequent pages using the default
printer. The recorded macro is as follows:
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
..FirstPageTray = 257
..OtherPagesTray = 256
End With
When I then run that recorded macro on the same PC, same
Word 2002, same printer/printer driver and I get a run-
time error '4608' value out of range.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.
trays for first and subsequent pages using the default
printer. The recorded macro is as follows:
With ActiveDocument.PageSetup
..FirstPageTray = 257
..OtherPagesTray = 256
End With
When I then run that recorded macro on the same PC, same
Word 2002, same printer/printer driver and I get a run-
time error '4608' value out of range.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you.