Run Time Error 9, Script Out of Range


Jeff Marshall


I am using the code below , but when it gets to;
Windows(InvFileName).Activate ; it debugs and says;
"Run time error 9, Script out of range.

I ran this at home and it worked OK, but at work it crashes.
At home i have a laptop with MS Millenium on it.
At work I have Windows 98.
Does this have anything to do with it ??

Note that InvFileName and NewFolder are both "Public" variables, but
declared in a different module.

Thanks in advance for any help.

Sub SaveInvAsNewFile()

'name of new folder
NewFolder = Format(Now, "yy-mm-dd") & " Invoices"

'Call the name as the text in cell z18
InvFileName = Sheets("InvoiceForm").Cells(18, 26)

'Opens new spreadsheet

On Error Resume Next
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="N:\Invoices\" & NewFolder & "\" &
InvFileName & ".xls"
On Error GoTo 0

Windows("Generate Report and Invoices.xls").Activate


Windows(InvFileName).Activate 'THIS IS THE LINE THAT DEBUGS.

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