Run-time Error



I have a database that has been working with users on a run-time of MS Access.
For some reason, one of the users started getting the message,

"Execution of this application has stopped due to a run-time error.
The application can’t continue and will be shut down."

I've tried to remove the run-time and reinstalled the run-time back twice
and the problem still exists. I am out of options. Any suggestions?


Ken Sheridan


This is why its essential to include custom error handling in an application
which is to be opened in the run-time environment as that does not include
any default error handling.

Probably the best you can do is to try and identify the context within the
application when the error is occurring and try and reproduce it in a full
Access environment. Then you hopefully will be able to pinpoint the cause of
the error when it occurs and be able to add the necessary error handling.

An 'error' does not necessarily mean something has gone wrong. It may be
that this particular user is trying to do something perfectly reasonable, but
which raises an error. For instance opening a report with the OpenReport
method but then cancelling it in its NoData event procedure if there is
nothing to report (e.g. no transactions within a user defined date range)
raises an error, but is something which can be anticipated and handled.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England

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