I am trying to bring up an Excel template in my macro, so I'm using RunApp
with the following in the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\EXCEL.EXE" /t
"G:\FST-Quality\Corrective_Action\Corrective Action
What keeps happening is that the Corrective Action Database is trying to
read each word as an .xls file (Corrective.xls, Action.xls, etc.) instead of
reading it as a directory/folder. What am I doing wrong?
with the following in the command line:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\EXCEL.EXE" /t
"G:\FST-Quality\Corrective_Action\Corrective Action
What keeps happening is that the Corrective Action Database is trying to
read each word as an .xls file (Corrective.xls, Action.xls, etc.) instead of
reading it as a directory/folder. What am I doing wrong?