Running a macro upon opening a template


Malcolm Smith

A template or a document based on a template?

In both cases the Document_Open event will be used, but if you want to
only run the event if it is a document and not the template itself then
what I do is to test the name of the ActiveDocument and if it has ".dot"
at the end I don't execute any more:

Again, watch out for the compile errors, if any.

Private Sub Document_Open()

if instr(1, ActiveDocument.Name, ".dot", vbCompareText) = 0 then

' Do processing here of the document.

end if

Ens sub


Chad DeMeyer

Safer than testing the name, which can be changed in Windows (and yes, I
have seen funky names like "" and "") is to
If ActiveDocument.Type = wdTypeTemplate Then Exit Sub


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