Running a UserForm (seemingly) Independent of Excel...?



I have a spreadsheet that is to be run entirely from a userform. I
currently have it set up so when it is opened, the userform pops up and
excel is minimized. I also tried adding code that someone had posted,
to minimize the form to the taskbar. It worked well except it messed
up some of my other code. I would get an error every time I tried to
close my form. I have it set up to ask the user if they are sure they
want to close. But for some reason with this minimizing code, I get an
error telling me that a variable is not declared.

Anyhow, the point is. I want to be able to run this userform as
independent from the spreadsheet as possible, with the ability to
minimize it to the taskbar, and restore it from the taskbar, without
opening the related workbook. I would also like the ability to open
and run other workbooks with the userform open (minimized or not). Is
this possible? thanks.

Peter T

Excel/VBA code must reside in a workbook and in order to run it the workbook
must be open. The workbook could be an Addin which cannot be made visible
other than changing its IsAddin property.

Peter T



I understand that the workbook must be open. I just want it to sit in
the taskbar minimized and not interfere with the user form. I have
also successfully made the workbook invisible, but this cause problems
because I want to be able to open and use other spreadsheets while
using the userform. plus, when I closed the userform, excel still runs
with no easy way of ending the process.

I want this userform to run as much like a stand alone program as
possible. does that make my intent more clear? thanks for your help.


Peter T


Could you clarify if you want your workbook to run only in its own dedicated
Excel Instance or in a normal Instance

Peter T



I'm not sure what you mean by that. Ideally the userform would run as
an executable program, independent of excel altogether. I realize this
is not possible. I would like to be able to open that particular excel
file, have it open the userform and minimize excel to the taskbar
automatically (which it already does). Now I want it to have the
option to minimize and restore (to and from the taskbar) without
affecting the minimizing and restoring of excel. additionally I would
like to be able to open and use other workbooks, completely independent
of the workbook with the userform. So I want the ability to minimize
and restore (and use) the userform while having open (and being able to
use) a completely separate workbook. Does that help? Sorry, this is
difficult to explain.


Peter T

I was trying to ascertain if you want your workbook open in any Excel
Instance started by the user, or say with some helper code in a 'normal'
Instance to start a new Instance with your main workbook.

To run in a separate instance you'd probably want some helper code in
another workbook (or addin or Personal.xls) to start the new instance, load
your workbook and possibly run its auto macros (to load the form), eg

loader code
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim xl As Excel.Application
Set xl = New Excel.Application
Set wb = xl.Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & "MyBook.xls")
wb.RunAutoMacros xlAutoOpen ' Auto_Open in main workbook to load Userform
in'xl.Visible = True '?

In your useform perhaps toggle both Excel's & workbook's visible properties
ThisWorkbook.Windows(1).Visible = False ' True
application.Visible = True ' false 'only in a 'dedicated' instance

Excel must be visible to see the workbook at which point user could load
more workbooks.

I'm afraid I don't follow your overall objective, as you know the code must
exist in a Workbook/Project and the Workbook must exist in a running Excel

Peter T

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