running an application on server LINUS



i have splitted an application in two DB's. One with all tables and one with all others stuff.
I would like to know if there could be problems having the back end on a server running LINUS and the front end on users pc's. I have few forms that have recordsource settled to queries that i have builded (not in code). Where are those queries executed? Could those forms open regularly?

During a test i have noticed that text bos having default value= Date() and enabled property=false; locked=true open with "Name?" instead that with the current date.


Tom Ellison

Dear Rocco:

The part of the application you split which now contains only tables
is the "back end" of the database. You can place this on any computer
as long as you have network file access there with necessary
permissions, allowing for sufficient disk space of course.

Everything that executes will be on the computers with the "front end"
portion you split. These computers must have Microsoft Access
installed, unless you convert the application to an MDE or ADE, in
which case you must have at least Microsoft Access Runtime. The
Runtime is available (and licensed) through Office Developer Edition.

There are fine points to this, but that is the general nature of the

Tom Ellison
Microsoft Access MVP
Ellison Enterprises - Your One Stop IT Experts

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