Hi Dale,
For example, I have a table that has a field in it called
code_camp which contains various codes for Penn State
campuses. Rather than typing out the name of each campus
they simply entered in UP for University Park, AA for
Altoona, etc. What I am trying to do is run an update
query that will automaticly change all the UPs to
University Park and all the AAs to Altoona, etc.
I am trying to run the update query by adding the field
code_camp 6 times to the Design Grid since there are 6
campuses that have abbreviations for them. This way I
could update all 6 at the same time. However, when I run
the query I get a message that says DUPLICATE OUTPUT
DESTINATION current_semester.code_camp
-----Original Message-----
Not really sure what you mean, unless you want to update a field based
on some value in one or more other fields. If that is the case, you
could do something like:
Update yourTable
Set someField = IIF(NOT IsNull([fld1]), [fld1], IIF(NOT
IsNull([fld2]),[fld2], 'Both fld1 and fld2 are Null'))
FROM yourTable
Dale Fye
Does anybody know how I can run an Update query that will
update multiple values in the same field?