With lots of help from this forum, I now have code working to link to a
selected backend database. I want this function run when the frontend
database is started. The code is a function within a module. How do I run the
function upon startup. I tried opening a form in the database startup which
would in turn run the function. The problem is that after the function is
run, it
won't let me close the form using docmd acForm me.name. What is the most
efficient way. Please help!
With lots of help from this forum, I now have code working to link to a
selected backend database. I want this function run when the frontend
database is started. The code is a function within a module. How do I run the
function upon startup. I tried opening a form in the database startup which
would in turn run the function. The problem is that after the function is
run, it
won't let me close the form using docmd acForm me.name. What is the most
efficient way. Please help!