Running Office 2004 with network homes on 10.4




Im really at the end of my tether with office now, for well over a
year it seems as though no matter what I do office just behaves like a
spoilt brat.

Were talking 10-20 minute load times just to load an office app.

It will sit there and first it say configuring microsoft office
then through a host of other things until eventually as i said about
20 minutes later it will actually open.

I've seen things about fonts before, but i can tell its not just (if
at all) this.
I have a reasonably fast network, so i cant see how it is network

All clients have network homes, so i am guessing it is something to do
with this and perhaps files are not being put in the right place or

I would really appreciate it just somebody out there could point me in
the direction of whats going wrong here.

Yours in desperation
Brad Holland


I'm sure there are a number of people ready willing & able to help, but you
have to give them something to work with:

What *version* of Office?
What version of Mac OS?
What type of Mac(s)? System specs.
What does "host of other things" mean?
" matter what I do..." includes *what*?

The symptoms you describe can be caused by any number (or combination) of
issues, but you need to share more specifics before anyone can offer a
meaningful reply.

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones [MVP] Office:Mac


Hi Bob,

Ok so

Its Office 2004 with the latest updates that I could download.
Were talking about Mac OS 10.4.8 Server and clients.

It basically configures each time the client machine runs an office
app, subsequent logins are ok, but If the same user logs on to a
different machine and tries then to log back into their original
machine then it re-configures everything again.
It doesnt do the font install, rather sits there configuring excel,
word, powerpoint, ole stuff and well Im sure you get the picture!
That part of the process can take 15 - 20 minutes.

I tried the following.
After creating a new user, I ran office and then dumped all the plist
files and relevant microsoft stuff i could find and i then put that
into my english.lproj folder on the server so that subsequent users I
created already had this stuff in their homefolders.

I have also tried a little app called network home redirector, again
to no avail.

Hope this info is enough, I was tired and frustrated yesterday, its
taking its toll!



Hi Brad -

Thanks for the additional info - at the very least it's enough to confirm
that the matter is a little out of my personal realm, as I haven't been
directly involved with Mac networking since pre-OS X & haven't used Server
at all.

However, there are several in the group who do have extensive knowledge &
experience in that arena & I'm sure at least one of them will pick up the
thread before long... If not I'll try to direct them to it. The issue sounds
familiar, but it's pointless for me to get further involved in something of
which I'm honestly unsure - you no doubt would prefer (and deserve) more
than just a "lucky guess" anyway:)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac



i appreciate your honesty in this matter, refreshing that someone can
actually be honest rather than leading someone on a wild goose chase
or providing purely subjective comments to make themselves look good.

Hopefully these people you mentioned will pick up my distress call and
i will hear from them soon.

Take Care,

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