Running out of Objects in Access2000


Meredith Poor

I run a wizard to create a (.ADP) form from a (SqlServer)
table, which completes successfully. When I run the
cmdButton wizard to create a Close button, it says that
that 'The Last Operation Was Canceled'. This is a wizard
I've run thousands of times without difficulty.

The .ADP had bloated to 22Mb, when I compact it it's about
5 Mb after I've included the Calendar Control, Excel9
object library, Outlook object libarary, and CDO object
library. The project has about 180 forms, 40+ reports,
20+ macros, and several code modules, all with several
thousand lines of code each.

The Access 2K help file says the limit on the number of
ojbects is 32,767 (more or less). Nowhere is it clear
what makes up an object, although I am assuming the
following: all forms, all reports, all macros, all
controls on forms or reports, and each code module, if not
each sub or function.

The SQLServer database has about 200 tables and 300 stored
procedures. All these appear in their respective windows
and queries windows, so I'm assuming they're all objects

I'm thinking now that I'm attempting to exceed the object
limits of the database. Does anyone have a more precise
idea of what counts as an 'object' and what doesn't?

Sylvain Lafontaine

Even at 22Mb (or 5), it's still a small database but Access 2000 has some
difficulties because it's store everything that's not a table into the same
record. It is possible that your ADP file is in some way corrupted.

You may try to create an empty ADP project and import everything from the
old ADP file.

S. L.


definitely try that

of course if you have hundreds of objects, you have already heard of this
one (importing into a new adp container)

i would start by getting rid of hardcoded references and change to late
binding-- it is a lot easier to troubleshoot... especially when machines
might be missing excel or something--

and then work on minimizing you amount code you write-- because you can use
parameter binding, you shouldnt ever require a thousand lines of VBA in an
ADP (unless you are doing too much in Excel-- do everything as access

i have handled several large ADPs like that in the past-- i am very excited.

i would love to help you with this if you need help.

i do olap and dts for computer associates right now; and i couldnt help too
much, but i could definitely give you some more detailed guidance/advice if
i saw the ADP

J. Clay

Don't know if it will help, but have you decompiled & recompiled lately? I
do that on occassion and it helps keep the size down.

J. Clay

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