Running PPT presentation from within HTML


Mauro Wagner

Hello, Charles!

If I understood your problem, I suggest you to make the calling HTML page
using PPT. In this "page", you will put a button (or anything else) and
configure the "action settings" to a hyperlink to "Another File...". Then,
you must choose the PPTViewer calling the desired presentation. Save this
"presentation" as HTML and you will get your "calling page".
The security warning in IE is a matter of configuration on each user
machine. I don't know a way to disable this warning automatically.
Let me know if is this what you want (at least, part of). Good luck!


Hi There,
I was hoping to be able to start up a pptviewer exe from within a menu set
up in HTML page ( not for use on web - just on pc) . I wanted the exe to run
automatically with file name ( eg like in auto run cd style dos batch file
@pptview.exe /l "pptfilename.ppt" )
Also as its an executable the message box come up saying do you want to save
/open etc for security purpose as its a web page ( although not
actually on the web ) . Ive tried getting around some of the problem by
opening up a dos batch file from within the html instead of the
pptview.exe.. so that I can have the presentation name as above, but then I
run into problems with path names unless I specifically give the whole path
name , but I want it to be more flexible as the whole lot will be on cd and
I wont know in advance what drive the cd will be named on a clients pc. Is
there any trick in dos so that a batch file knows it own path name ? Or any
other suggestions for getting the same effect pptview.exe run from a
menu option ...
thanks in advance


THanks MAuro !
I used a powerpoint presentation to make a menu type screen with buttons
and hyperlinks to call other ppt presentation ..I realsied I didnt need to
use HTML after all as the ppt presentation screen looked good enough
...thanks for your help

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