Running Sum Overall and different views



I have a report that I have to use some hidden boxes to calculate running
sum's to get certain calculated figures into my report footer. I have
noticed though that when viewing the report in layout or report view the
running sum's change as I scroll to reflect only what is on the screen at
that time. Print preview however works normally. Is there any way to get
the running sum #'s to show up in layout or report view as they do in print

Marshall Barton

Robbro said:
I have a report that I have to use some hidden boxes to calculate running
sum's to get certain calculated figures into my report footer. I have
noticed though that when viewing the report in layout or report view the
running sum's change as I scroll to reflect only what is on the screen at
that time. Print preview however works normally. Is there any way to get
the running sum #'s to show up in layout or report view as they do in print

Layout view is a DESIGN aid and does not make a serious
attempt to display real data to users (including yourself).

I don't know what report view is good for (maybe something
to do with Share Point?).

Bottom line - always use Preview when you want to display
real data.


Ok, will do. Its just the first time I've personally came accross an
instance in which they displayed different information

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