running sum question



I posted same question to another group before. Sorry for that!

What If I ask such a question? I have Query1 which is extracted from
two tables where "SortedDate" and "Start" fields are linked. It gives
following result.

SortedDate Money Start Finish
01-01-2008 1$ 01-01-2008 04-01-2008
02-01-2008 NULL NULL NULL
03-01-2008 9$ 03-01-2008 05-01-2008
04-01-2008 3$ 04-01-2008 05-01-2008
05-01-2008 NULL NULL NULL

By another query (say that Query2), I need to sum up "Money" values
for all "SortedDate" in such a way that "SortedDate" will take place
between Start and Finish of Query1 row where "Money" values being
added up.

Output will be as below.
For any hint, i will be appriciated.

SortedDate Money
01-01-2008 1$ /1$ only (Because, 01-01-2008 is between Start-
Finish of corresponding Query1 row)
02-01-2008 1$ /1$ only (Because, 02-01-2008 is between Start-
Finish of corresponding Query1 row)
03-01-2008 10$ /1$+9$ (Because, 03-01-2008 is between Start-
Finish of corresponding Query1 rows)
04-01-2008 12$ /9$+3$ (Because, 04-01-2008 is between Start-
Finish of corresponding Query1 rows)
05-01-2008 0$ /0$ (Because, 05-01-2008 is not between any
Finish of corresponding Query1 row)

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