Running Total Query v97 - 2002



The following query runs fine in Access 97 and in 97 mode in Access 2003.

But when I try to use this database in 2002 mode the query doesn't work. I
guess because 2002 does queries differently!

DSum("Qty*Cost","tblItems","ItemID<=" & ItemID &" AND req")

This is based the following table;

Fields Format

Date date

Item text

ItemID numeric

Req yes/no

Qty numeric

Cost currency

The query is supposed to select only those items with the field "Req" set to
yes, which it does, then a simple expression calculates the total based on
these fields "Qty by Cost".

It is then supposed to create a running total for me.

What is going wrong.

Any help much appreciated.



I have a simular problem between a Access 97 and 2000 query. See below. I have requested online help and will post Microsoft response when received.

I think this is a bug.

the following query:

SELECT Last([Status List].Status) AS Status, Last([Status List].StatusID) AS StatusID, Max([Proposal Status].Date) AS [As of], [Proposal Status].ProposalID
FROM [Status List] RIGHT JOIN [Proposal Status] ON [Status List].StatusID = [Proposal Status].StatusID
GROUP BY [Proposal Status].ProposalID
ORDER BY Max([Proposal Status].Date);

Access 97 returns different record data than Access 2000 . (97 data return is correct, 2000 data return is erroneous)

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