Running total with opening balances



I have compiled a database which reports ledger of various
accounts. While printing period wise reports I want the
running sum to show and at the same time the total balance
of the period prior to the requested period should be
shown as opening balance. What should I do? Please help



A running balance can be made if you have a Date + TIME field so that you
know the exact chronological order of the records. If you don't have this
yet then start one by inserting a field with the format dd/mm/yyyy hh:nn:ss
and in Default Value put Now()

If you haven't kept this or if your Autonumber field is in the correct order
or if you have a date field and there is only one transaction per date then
we'll say your Autonumber field is called TransID and your amount field is
called Transaction while your table is called TblTransaction:

=DSum("[Transaction]","TblTransaction","[TransID]<=" & TransID)

For the carried forward balance you can have:
=DSum("[Transaction]","TblTransaction","[TransID]<" & TransID)

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