Running VBA Code With Custom Toolbar Menu Buttons



I need help in associating the running of my vba code by clicking on a menu
button on my custom toolbar. I created my custom toolbar by added some
command buttons. Is there any way of changing what these buttons actions
are?? Is there a button I can select from the customizing command to control
the running of my vba code??

There is a command button which is used to Run Add-Ons. How do I make my
VBA code into a Add-on??? Then this button should run that code???

Or, can I make my own button to drop into my custom toolbar??? When I make
a shape, I can select an even from the shape to run my vba code.

I would appreciate any suggestions and help!!!




You can run any VBA code using the following syntax :

<buttonObj>.onAction = "<moduleName.ProcedureName>"

About converting the VBA code into an Addon :) ... I am working on
converting mine into an Addin, will tell you as soon as I have better

- Mayank

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