Runtime error 1004/ Save As method help



Thank you so much for your help so far. However, I have another
question. In my script I would like to save my workbooks to a mapped
drive. I filled in the blanks for the save code and tried it out. It
goes up to the third entry saves it and by the fourth I get a error
message. Runtime error 1004 - MS Office Excel cannot access the file
"\\blah\blah\blah" There are several possible reasons. It gives four
options but the contiue button is grayed out. Can you help?


Here is the sample code:

bk.SaveAs Filename:="\\syslea222\busserve\Credit Logs\Archer
Project\Master Customer List\" & Worksheets("PD").Range("F6").Value &
bk.Close SaveChanges:=False


Make sure your Range("F6").value doesn't include these :
*; [],\ etc ...

Check your file name tosave first,


(e-mail address removed) menuliskan:

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