Runtime Error 3219 - Invalid Operation



I have an Access 2002 database that was converted from Access 97. It appeared
to be operating okay until I split the database (front-end and back-end). Now
I am getting a runtime error message 3219 Invalid Operation. When I run the
debug, it points to a module that was converted from 97 to 2002.

The error pointed to the second set statement:
Set Adult_Information_Input =
ICMS95.OpenRecordset("Adult_Information_Input", dbOpenTable) 'Replaced by
OfficeConverter 8.1.3 on line 29 ' original = Set Adult_Information_Input
= ICMS95.OpenRecordset("Adult_Information_Input", DB_OPEN_TABLE)

Thank you in advance for any help or suggestions.

Below is the module in its entirety:

Private Sub Member_ID_Exit(Cancel As Integer)

' Checks if index key Member ID exists and if yes, displays message box.
' It will not allow user to enter a duplicate key.

Dim ICMS95 As DAO.Database 'Replaced by OfficeConverter 8.1.3 on line 25
' original = Dim ICMS95 As Database
Dim Adult_Information_Input As DAO.Recordset 'Replaced by OfficeConverter
8.1.3 on line 26 ' original = Dim Adult_Information_Input As Recordset

Set ICMS95 = CurrentDb() 'Replaced by OfficeConverter 8.1.3 on line 28 '
original = Set ICMS95 = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set Adult_Information_Input =
ICMS95.OpenRecordset("Adult_Information_Input", dbOpenTable) 'Replaced by
OfficeConverter 8.1.3 on line 29 ' original = Set Adult_Information_Input
= ICMS95.OpenRecordset("Adult_Information_Input", DB_OPEN_TABLE)

Adult_Information_Input.Index = "Member ID"
Adult_Information_Input.Seek "=", Forms![Adult Member MIF]![Member ID]
If Adult_Information_Input.NoMatch Then
MsgBox "This is a DUPLICATE QUEST number."
End If

End Sub


In the Debug Window. First Stop the Module. Go to Tools > References > Make
sure that the Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library is added.

Douglas J. Steele

You can't use dbOpenTable with linked tables. Either drop that parameter, or
replace it with dbOpenDynaset.

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