Runtime error 438


Greg Snidow

Greetings. I came across a site that helps introduce the concept of macros.
There is one example...

Sub Example2()
For x = 1 To 5
Cells(x, 3).Select
Selection.Vaue = x + 1
Next x
End Sub

that is simple enough, but when I try to run it, I get 'Runtime error '438'
Object doesn't support this property or method'. When I hit help, it says
some stuff about a friend procedure being called late bound, and automation
objects. Does anyone know what is happening? Thank you.


Per Jessen

Greetings Greg

It's due to a typo.

Change the line to:

Selection.Value = x+1


Dave Peterson

There's a typo in the code:

Selection.Vaue = x + 1
should be:
Selection.Value = x + 1

I'd use:

Option Explicit
Sub Example2()
Dim x As Long
For x = 1 To 5
ActiveSheet.Cells(x, 3).Value = x + 1
Next x
End Sub

"Option Explicit" forces me to declare my variables (x in this example).

I qualified cells(x,3) with activesheet. So I know what sheet is getting the

I removed the .select line and just plopped the value directly into the cell.
There are very few things that need to be selected for the code to work.

Rick Rothstein

Others have shown you code that does not use Select and Selection. Perhaps
this previous posting of mine (a response to another person using
Select/Selection type constructions) will be of some help to you in your
future programming...

Whenever you see code constructed like this...


you can almost always do this instead...


In your particular case, you have this...

Range("C2:C8193").Select 'select cells to export
For Each r In Selection.Rows

which, using the above concept, can be reduced to this...

For Each r In Range("C2:C8193").Rows

Notice, all I have done is replace Selection with the range you Select(ed)
in the previous statement and eliminate the process of doing any
Select(ion)s. Stated another way, the Selection produced from
Range(...).Select is a range and, of course, Range(...) is a range... and,
in fact, they are the same range, so it doesn't matter which one you use.
The added benefit of not selecting ranges first is your active cell does not

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