Your original macro does not add an extension. It terminates with a full
stop (period). So if your document was already named "filename.html" it
would now be named "filename.html.".
As Doug posted eons ago, you need to remove the original filename extension
and apply the required extension.
In Word 2003, the macro ignores the unwanted full stop (period) and you get
the same extension that you had originally, so if that was doc it remains
doc, whereas Word 2007 does what you ask literally and baulks at the result.
In both versions you need to apply the required extension. I suggested htm,
but you can use html. This will double the extension (which works), but it
would be more elegant to remove the original extension eg
Dim oDoc As Document
Dim strDocname As String
Dim intPos As Integer
Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
strDocname = oDoc.FullName
intPos = InStrRev(strDocname, ".")
strDocname = Left(strDocname, intPos - 1)
strDocname = strDocname & ".html"
oDoc.SaveAs FileName:=strDocname, _
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP
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