Runtime Error message



I just picked up my computer from the shop (restored OS, Windows XP Home)
and reinstalled WORD 2002.

Now, several times a day, WORD locks up and gives me the following message:

Runtime Error!
Program: C:\Program files\Microsoft Office\Office 10\WINWORD.EXE
abnormal program termination

I then lose everthing that I was working on!

Can someone tell me what the problem is and how to correct it?


Terry Farrell

Did you install a local printer driver and set as the windows Default? Have
all patches to the OS and Word been applied?


Thanks for the reply.

During my re-installation of all my programs, I DID install my HP printer
(from the disk that came with it), and set it as the default printer in
Control Panel.

I don't know, at this point, whether all patches to the OS and WORD have
been applied. I suspect that the OS patches were applied by the computer
shop. But I doubt that the WORD patches have been applied, since I
reinstalled that myself.

How do I check for current patches on WORD?

Thanks a million.

Terry Farrell

Connect to the Windows Update Site and it will check for both Windows and


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