Getting a Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Error when
attempting to insert clip art into a Word (Or Excel)
Scanned for viruses/spyware, thought it might be Magistra
virus so ran the removal tool from Symantec
Have installed all Sevice pack & updates all to no avail.
Tried to repair - still no go.
Tried to completely unistall - but got message that I hav
insufficient priveliges. Tried in safe mode as admin -
but can't remove it in Safe mode. Created a new user -
still insufficient privs.
Anyone know what may be causing the prob? or know what
may fix it! I have run out of patience.
attempting to insert clip art into a Word (Or Excel)
Scanned for viruses/spyware, thought it might be Magistra
virus so ran the removal tool from Symantec
Have installed all Sevice pack & updates all to no avail.
Tried to repair - still no go.
Tried to completely unistall - but got message that I hav
insufficient priveliges. Tried in safe mode as admin -
but can't remove it in Safe mode. Created a new user -
still insufficient privs.
Anyone know what may be causing the prob? or know what
may fix it! I have run out of patience.