Runtime Error?



I get: Runtime error 3075
Syntax error. in query expression '(select <> "")'

running the following segment of code:

strTemp = """"""
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt#10Env", acViewPreview, , "Select <> " &

I have other instances of similar use without any problems. The field
"Select" is a valid
field name in the report's RecordSource.

What am I missing?



Yes, Select is in fact a text field. I just this minute stumbled onto what
I needed to do:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt#10Env", acViewPreview, , "[Select] = ChrW(9658)"

Previously, I had attempted to skirt around any potential problems
that might be attributed to the fact that the "Select" text field contains
a Unicode character. As it turns out, Select had to be enclosed in
brackets, i.e., [Select].

I have another instance of the DoCmd.OpenReport that did not require
that the field name be in brackets:

strTemp = Me.[Registry.RegistryID]
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt#6Env", acViewPreview, , "RegistryID = " & strTemp

I understand one's a text string and the other is a number (primary record
key) but
what difference does that make?


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