Runtime error...



I have built an application (access2003) which works perfectly on my pc
while it gives Runtime error on users machine.
What's worst is that the procedure that end uo with the error doesn't even
come up with the error!!
Let me try to explain. There's a form which has a combo box name 'searchID'
which list all the ID for subjects recorded in a demographic table. The form
is unbounded and by choosing one id from the list (it can be only one from
the list) the form's fields will repopulate with data coming from the
demographic table. The ID code are just numbers 1, 2, 3 ... The code is
automatically determinated by the code which will first search for the
highest code and add 1 for a new subject recorded. Really easy. What is
happeningi is that it works fine for ID number 1 and 2 and then fires an
error for ID nuber 3. And I really can't immagine what is wrong!!!
Debug is fine...Referencing is fine too (none missing; I tried to check one
reference random and uncheck it later). Despite I work with an on the edge pc
I have used only features that are in the oldest libary (i.e. ADO 2.1 instead
of the newest 2.8, and so on.
For your reference the runtime error has the number 91 and sometimes. if I'm
goling to use that ID on others forms for further data recording I got an
runtime error number 2113.
Any suggestion?

Thanky very-very much

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