Rushed and Stumped



I am creating a form. I would like for my data entry
people to be able to type an account number and have it
automatically pull up the name of the company in another
field. If the name of the company cannot be found, then
I would like for the person to be able to type it in this
name field. I am in way over my head. Is this at all

Larry Linson

The third "radio button" option of the Combo Box Wizard is for using the
Combo to find a record to display on your form. Set the RowSource for the
Combo using the Account Number and Company Name from your table (the Wizard
will prompt you for it).

As for the other, how you do it will depend on your data structure and table
layout, and where you want to store the company information. If you'll
clarify these items, perhaps someone can suggest an approach.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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