Russian Language



I have russian langauge text in some macros, which is not recognised by some
computers (even if the text is readable in excel, it is not illegible in
Visual Basic)
ie VB=Sheets(Array("àðàõèñ", "peanuts")).Select
and refers to Ð°Ñ€Ð°Ñ…Ð¸Ñ (russian for peanuts)
Anbody now haw to set the language function to read this encoding in VB?

Dave Peterson

I don't know enough about international issues to be helpful...

But if you don't get any good answers, you may want to just declare some

Dim PWks as worksheet
set pWks = worksheets("à ðà õèñ")

then you only have that funny looking name once in your code.

sheets(, ...).select

Or maybe using the codename of the sheet would be sufficient.

Next time you're in the VBE, select your project and hit F4 to see it's

If you expand all that stuff, you'll see the name of the worksheet and its code

Sheet4(à ðà õèñ)

Then you can do things like:

sheet4.range("a1").value = "hi there"

And a completely untested suggestion...

Inside the VBE
tools|options|Editor format
change the font to something that can display those characters nicely--and
doesn't screw up the rest of your code.


Thanks Dave
I have a small problem that the russian language sheets apear in the project
pane as Sheet1(?????). Even the message I see has had the Russian corupted
from when I first posted!
Cheers Ben

Dave Peterson

You could change the name to non-Russian characters, check the properties to
find the corresponding codename, then change the name back???

Then you could use that codename.

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