?'s for users w/Office issues w/Blaster fix

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?'s for users w/Office issues w/Blaster fix

Hi all,

I'm looking for some clarification on issues that some of
you are experiencing after installing the Blaster fix
from Security Bulletin MS03-026 (addt'l info at 826955
Virus Alert About the W32.Blaster.Worm Worm -

If you're having problems after installing the update,
please provide us w/the following info:
1) What operating system version and service pack levels
were machines at before installing Windows2000-KB823980-
2) Was the Windows Installer upgraded from 1.x to 2.x
(via Win2000 SP3, SP4, or instmsi.exe for Installer 2.0)?
3) Have you checked DCOM settings on problem machines to
make sure that they are the same as those listed in
article 319624 (PRB: Incorrect Default DCOM Settings
Cause Windows Installer to Stop Responding -

So far, the issues that users are describing sound very
similar to those in KB article 324906 (Cannot Start an
Office Program After You Install Service Pack 3 -

If your DCOM settings are correct, try running
Msiregmv.exe. This file should be located in the System32
folder if you've upgraded to Installer 2.0

Msiregmv.exe moves all the Windows Installer 1.x data
registry keys to the Windows installer 2.x registry data

To determine your Installer version, go to Start/Run and
type "msiexec.exe" without quotes. The Installer version
number will be listed in the "Incorrect command line
parameters" dialog which will appear.

-Eric [MSFT]

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and
confers no rights.

Susan G Capps, PhD

?'s for users w/Office issues w/Blaster fix said:
Hi all,

I'm looking for some clarification on issues that some of
you are experiencing after installing the Blaster fix
from Security Bulletin MS03-026 (addt'l info at 826955
Virus Alert About the W32.Blaster.Worm Worm -

If you're having problems after installing the update,
please provide us w/the following info:
1) What operating system version and service pack levels
were machines at before installing Windows2000-KB823980-

Windows 2000 as installed @ purchase of system
no service packs
* then I installed SP2EXPRESS from Microsoft's website (took all day,
nearly, to download)
* then I installed Windows2000-KB823980-x86-ENU.exe
2) Was the Windows Installer upgraded from 1.x to 2.x
(via Win2000 SP3, SP4, or instmsi.exe for Installer 2.0)?

I don't know, but when I checked my Installer version it is 2.00.2600.2
3) Have you checked DCOM settings on problem machines to
make sure that they are the same as those listed in
article 319624 (PRB: Incorrect Default DCOM Settings
Cause Windows Installer to Stop Responding -

Not yet, didn't know such a critter as DCOM settings existed
So far, the issues that users are describing sound very
similar to those in KB article 324906 (Cannot Start an
Office Program After You Install Service Pack 3 -

If your DCOM settings are correct, try running
Msiregmv.exe. This file should be located in the System32
folder if you've upgraded to Installer 2.0

Msiregmv.exe moves all the Windows Installer 1.x data
registry keys to the Windows installer 2.x registry data

To determine your Installer version, go to Start/Run and
type "msiexec.exe" without quotes. The Installer version
number will be listed in the "Incorrect command line
parameters" dialog which will appear.

I did this -- Windows Installer. V 2.00.2600.2

Should I check the DCOM settings? Should I check to see if I'm functioning
as Administrator (what I've always done in the past) or as User? How would I
check that? How would I change that?

* my general rule with computers, if it ain't broke - leave it the heck
alone!, unfortunately that danged blaster-worm forced me to "mess with the
mess" and now I have a 'new' mess -- sigh!


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