S/W to aid in debugging "Next w/o For" or "If w/o Endif"?




Best techniques to aid in debugging the subject issues?

I shot myself in the foot on the fourth!
Yesterday, I tried too quickly (there is the problem!!) copy/paste code updates to/from scopes of
code with similar code blocks.

Bingo! I have a "Next w/o For." I must be looking at but missing the error.

Is there any s/w that can assist? i.e. collapse indents etc?

TIA EagleOne

Jim Cone

xl2007 seems to have its' own rules about many things.

In prior versions, it appears that Excel simply counts
the number of If/End If, For/Next, Do/Loop statements and divides by two.
If the answer isn't an even number it spits out a warning.

So, even though the message says "Next w/o For", you may be actually
missing an "End If". Start counting...<g>
Jim Cone
San Francisco, USA

<[email protected]>
wrote in message
Best techniques to aid in debugging the subject issues?
I shot myself in the foot on the fourth!
Yesterday, I tried too quickly (there is the problem!!) copy/paste code updates to/from scopes of
code with similar code blocks.

Bingo! I have a "Next w/o For." I must be looking at but missing the error.
Is there any s/w that can assist? i.e. collapse indents etc?
TIA EagleOne


Yep! Thanks Jim,

In fact, that was the problem. I had come across the same issue often.

I did not know how "simple" and inaccurate the trigger was.

All that said, has anyone developed s/w which can group If/Else/End If; Do/Loop; For/Next;
and the few others?

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